About Me Patrice Provost

Me Patrice Provost

Me Patrice Provost, notary, is the founder of L’Étude légale du Vieux-Aylmer that he established in 1993 and to which he has devoted more than 25 years of his life. Over these many years, he has handled and settled situations in most areas of law, making him a pillar of the legal community in the village of Aylmer.

In 2018, he joined forces with Me Magalie Nicolau, notary, to preserve the Étude légale du Vieux Aylmer. In 2020, after a successful career, Me Provost has retired, leaving Me Nicolau as assignee of his assignee and custodian.

Portrait of Me Patrice Provost, principal notary at Notaire Aylmer

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